Friday, February 19, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity (review)

Here I am: the sovereign of an upstart space empire.  I have a single world to my name, some asteroids to mine for resources, and a frigate factory to start what will one day be a glorious fleet, hundreds of ships strong, spreading my will across the solar system.  One day.  But now is the time to plant the seeds of my empire; to expand, gather strength, and test the waters (so to speak) of the great unknown that surrounds me.  What does the final frontier hold for me, I wonder?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mass Effect 2 (review)

What is role playing? According to the literal definition of the word, it's something that is entirely irrelevant to a game's genre. As gamers, we role play every time we play a game that puts us in the shoes of a character separate from ourselves. In the world of gaming, however, role playing has always been defined largely by numbers. Stats, skills, talents, specializations, levels, and equipment define the genre as much as dialogue trees, branching story lines and multiple endings.